Wednesday 31 March 2010

Questionnaire Of The Two Minute Opening Sequence (Elizabeth Mensah-Tandoh)


Results for Opening Sequence (Elizabeth Mensah-Tandoh)


Friday 26 March 2010

Distribution Of Activites (Elizabeth Mensah-Tandoh)

Distribution Activities

Thursday 25 March 2010

Changes made to layout (Elizabeth Mensah-Tandoh)

Georgia made a change to the layout of our blog. The reason for this was,our previous blog layout was not appearing when being looked at,which made it appear dull and a bit boring. However Georgia looked at various websites that have a wide range of different layout designHowever after looking, She finally found one we all thought would be be most appropriate. When looking at the layout designs Georgia had to ensure they fitted the genre of our film. There font was simple and easy to read.And that all of our group thought it would fit our blog.And this was the layout design we thought would be good for our blog.

Monday 22 March 2010

Influences (Georgia Harris)

The film Vertigo directed by Alfred Hitchcock (Master of suspense) (1958) gave our group a influence in a sense of suspicion and suspense that we wanted to portray in the making of our film, in majority of his films they all base around psychological thrillers and work around the audience feeling clueless as to what is happening and a constant feel of suspense and a feeling of what now?
We feel that our film is also based around 3 main ingredients similar to those used in Hitchcock's films, such as suspense, suspicion and confusion. Always focusing on making the audience wonder what's going to happen next and why.

Another film that influenced our trailer was Red Eye directed by Wes Craven (2005).
This film was an influence by it portraying that sense of the plot having a twist to it, expecting the unexpected in a sense that the main female character in Red Eye didn't expect to be put in serious danger by a fellow passenger on her flight, so the the action starts from the twist in the story. This reflects on the plot for our trailer, in the sense that the audience aren't expecting the story to unfold in the way it does, creating a twist withing the least expected in the way that Wes Craven does in this film.

Thursday 18 March 2010

Our Final Film Opening

Opening Sequence Music (Audrey Khanye)

This is the score music i chose to use in our opening sequence. As editor i had to find music to include in our film, as i was in the process of editing, i had to pick music that went along with the events taking place in the different scenes. I felt that this music created a feeling of suspense and mystery so our audience are always anxious and expect the worst. Demon house by Audrey