Monday 15 March 2010

Meeting Minutes ( Elizabeth Mensah-Tandoh )

On the 5th of March we had another meeting.Which took place in one of the lesson that we had.We spoke as a group about when we will be filming,the different roles each of use would have while we film.We arranged a set day and time of where we should be filming.What loactions and what equipment will be needed.We also planned to book a camera for the 9th of March.And a esitmated time of how long we would film each scene for.So that our time was managed well and had enough time to get everything done.

It was a very quick meeting that last for about 7 minutes.However Georgia as the director as the group felt it was important for us to know what each of us will be doing.And so that on the filming day we could get straight down to filming without having to ask any questions of what each of us would be doing.