Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Questionnaire Of The Two Minute Opening Sequence (Elizabeth Mensah-Tandoh)
Posted by Dreygeorgemic at 11:45 0 comments
Friday, 26 March 2010
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Changes made to layout (Elizabeth Mensah-Tandoh)
Georgia made a change to the layout of our blog. The reason for this was,our previous blog layout was not appearing when being looked at,which made it appear dull and a bit boring. However Georgia looked at various websites that have a wide range of different layout designHowever after looking, She finally found one we all thought would be be most appropriate. When looking at the layout designs Georgia had to ensure they fitted the genre of our film. There font was simple and easy to read.And that all of our group thought it would fit our blog.And this was the layout design we thought would be good for our blog.
Posted by Dreygeorgemic at 03:48 0 comments
Monday, 22 March 2010
Influences (Georgia Harris)
The film Vertigo directed by Alfred Hitchcock (Master of suspense) (1958) gave our group a influence in a sense of suspicion and suspense that we wanted to portray in the making of our film, in majority of his films they all base around psychological thrillers and work around the audience feeling clueless as to what is happening and a constant feel of suspense and a feeling of what now?
We feel that our film is also based around 3 main ingredients similar to those used in Hitchcock's films, such as suspense, suspicion and confusion. Always focusing on making the audience wonder what's going to happen next and why.
Another film that influenced our trailer was Red Eye directed by Wes Craven (2005).
This film was an influence by it portraying that sense of the plot having a twist to it, expecting the unexpected in a sense that the main female character in Red Eye didn't expect to be put in serious danger by a fellow passenger on her flight, so the the action starts from the twist in the story. This reflects on the plot for our trailer, in the sense that the audience aren't expecting the story to unfold in the way it does, creating a twist withing the least expected in the way that Wes Craven does in this film.
Posted by Dreygeorgemic at 12:27 0 comments
Labels: Georgia Harris
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Our Final Film Opening
Posted by Dreygeorgemic at 09:50 0 comments
Labels: Audrey Khanye, Elizabeth Mensah, Georgia Harris
Opening Sequence Music (Audrey Khanye)
This is the score music i chose to use in our opening sequence. As editor i had to find music to include in our film, as i was in the process of editing, i had to pick music that went along with the events taking place in the different scenes. I felt that this music created a feeling of suspense and mystery so our audience are always anxious and expect the worst. Demon house by Audrey
Posted by Dreygeorgemic at 08:44 0 comments
Labels: Audrey Khanye
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Weather Conditions (Georgia Harris)
This was the outlook for local weather on our day of filming,we had to find out specific conditions so we would know if it would still be possible to go ahead with the filming or not, as we would be taking the camera equipment outside. So in case rain or snow had been broadcast for Tuesday 9th March. Luckily enough the weather for our filming date was sunny intervals and therefore we could go ahead with the filming.
Posted by Dreygeorgemic at 10:50 0 comments
Labels: Georgia Harris
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Weekly Updates (Week 10) (Elizabeth Mensah-Tandoh)
Today i have have adding last minutes things to our blog. Looking at our blog overall as a whole. Ensuring we have all the information that is needed. Looking at every post made individually,and going over and bits i feel that may have been left out.I have been added more of our posted to the software Scribd.
Although my whole group is not with me today.I have been contacting one of my group Georgia (Director) member throughout. Asking her any questions that i am unsure of.
Overall today has just been me looking over our blog.To see if any areas could be improved before the deadline.
Posted by Dreygeorgemic at 04:55 0 comments
Labels: Elizabeth Mensah
Monday, 15 March 2010
Meeting Minutes ( Elizabeth Mensah-Tandoh )
On the 5th of March we had another meeting.Which took place in one of the lesson that we had.We spoke as a group about when we will be filming,the different roles each of use would have while we film.We arranged a set day and time of where we should be filming.What loactions and what equipment will be needed.We also planned to book a camera for the 9th of March.And a esitmated time of how long we would film each scene for.So that our time was managed well and had enough time to get everything done.
It was a very quick meeting that last for about 7 minutes.However Georgia as the director as the group felt it was important for us to know what each of us will be doing.And so that on the filming day we could get straight down to filming without having to ask any questions of what each of us would be doing.
Posted by Dreygeorgemic at 11:21 0 comments
Labels: Elizabeth Mensah
Filming Journal (Director Georgia Harris)
Our filming eventually took place on the 09/03/2010 as planned.
Cast and Group members present: At the time of filming there was myself, Elizabeth and Audrey the group members and the only cast at the time was the lady playing the Antagonist Jo.
Location: We began the filming inside of B block, along the corridors. We then moved to outside of the college, located in the staff car park.
What we filmed? We managed to film our whole 2 minute trailer sequence, correcting certain scenes that weren't right. So we filmed the scenes where the protagonist and antagonist first met, right up until the twist in the narrative and the ending.
Problems: During the evening of filming we encountered quite a few problems, like one of our main cast members wasn't available to film on our set date, so we had to change our cast members and instead i had to feature in the film, these cause a delay in the filming and also caused us the problem of having to change our cast photo's and the other information we had put on the blog based on the original cast member.
We eventually solved this problem by having to improvise and actually have a member of our group be a main character in the film.
From a director's point of view i found our evening of filming a bit hectic at first due to the change of actor and the slight change in the synopsis of the film too. Once we were all clear of what and how things were going to happen it made me a lot more focus and aware of what the filming would involve and what every one's roles were.
Overall i felt that our filming went really, and that we got a lot done in the short amount of time we had, i also felt that us as a group cooperated well, in providing help and direction to one another and by doing this we were able to keep on track with the time limit. Throughout the filming i think that we overcome our problems quickly and used our initiative's well due to the complete turn around in our synopsis and the cast members.
Posted by Dreygeorgemic at 10:21 0 comments
Labels: Georgia Harris
Filming Journal (Camera Elizabeth Mensah-Tandoh)
Our filming was taken place in Havering college.During the pre-production we took some pictures of the set location and posted them on the blog.
Group Members Present
Audrey Khanye (Editor)
Elizabeth Mensah (Camera woman)
Georgia Harris ( Director,cast memeber)
Jo (Cast member)
As i was the camera person i felt it was important for me to make sure i was there to collect the camera equitment that was needed in order for us to film.The plan ws for the group and cast members to meet outside the entrance of the college at 5:00PM.The first place we planned to film was in another area of the college.However we still needed to wait for Audrey one of our group members to arrive as she was running late.However wee still decided to continue getting ready to film.As when she does finally arrive the director (Georgia) or myself (Camera person) could inform her of what was next and what we she needed to next and how she could help.
Audrey arrived just in time before we had began to film.
The first place we filmed was in B block.This wasnt the oringal plan to film in B block.However we as a group thought that it would be better for us as the lighter was much better, and also gave up more space to move around and was nearer to the other areas that we wanted to film in.Such as the car park.The filming was easy to do.We was able to accomplish all the filming in one night.Which helped as it gives us more time to spend on our evlauation.The second place that we filmed was in one of the corridors in B block and also the elevator.The third being outside in the college car park.It was the most challenging place to film as it was dark and very cold.As it was very cold it was hard for all of us to concerntrate on anything else.However it was important for us to get everything right the first time as it weould prevent us from having to repeat anything again.
Promblems The Occured And How They Were Resolved
The first problem that occured was one of the cast members was unable to arrive as she had her own personal problems.So we decided to use another actress.Our director (Georgia)Which made things better for us as she was able to direct and give instructions of how things should be.
The second was one of the tripod stopped working.It was not staying straight and made the camera look as if it was not able to focus properly.So we had to change the tripod with a another one.Which delayed filming.As we had to ask and wait for our media teacher to open the cupboard with all the equitment.However when we did finally get a new tripod and continue filming.
Another problem was other groups filming outside.As other media groups were also filming there opening sequence the same time as ours.They got in the way when we was filming.There use of prop (A car) The head lights of the car at time shone on thE camera.So we had to once or twice cut and begin again.But when we kindly asked them to give us time to film this short scene so we would soon be out of there way.They were understanding and gave us time to finish the scene.
Overall i feel the filming was a great success as we were able to film everything in one day,and did not have to come back to correct our mistakes.I feel this was because everyone in our group gave 100 percent to the filming and was a great helped and gave suggestion to problems when they occured.Everyone in the group helped with everything aswell as everyone having a job to do.Audrey listening to the noises and what could be heared on the camera.Georgia was the director and the actress which meant she had the one of the hardest jobs as she had to concertrate on two things at once.And myself the camera person.Although i was behind the camera.I had to have a lot of patience when things went wrong.Also having to position the camera in various different angles so we were able to get a range of different shots.We all put a lot of hard work and dedication into the filming and that is what made it such as success.
Posted by Dreygeorgemic at 08:51 0 comments
Labels: Elizabeth Mensah
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Weekly Updates (8-9) (Elizabeth Mensah-Tandoh)
This week has been one of the most challenging weeks so far as we have have had to make changes to the original plans made. However we were able to over come them.As we filmed for the first time this week.And was successful as we did everything correctly.After that night of filming we were able to getting read to begin editing.And this was done by Audrey.The same day and the following day she finished editing the whole filming sequence and added score music to it.And we feel as a group that it looks good and do not need to added anymore to it or that it needs anymore addjustments.
The next week we are hoping to post our film onto our blog,make questionnaires and ask similar people we are targeting to ask them answer questions and get to their opinions on what they think of about film.
Posted by Dreygeorgemic at 02:24 0 comments
Labels: Elizabeth Mensah
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Filming Journal (Editor Audrey Khanye)
The location of our film is in Havering college. The different scenes of the film took place in B block and also the teacher car-park. During the pre-production we took some pictures of the set location and posted them on the blog. However due to the change of plans we have to take new pictures and upload them on to our blog.
Group members present
Audrey Khanye ( Editor )
Elizabeth Mensah-Tandoh ( Camera woman )
Georgia Harris ( Director )
Cast members
JO (protagonist)
Georgia (antagonist)
What was filmed?
2nd march
today we had planned to film, to prepare for this Georgia took a callsheet to book out the camera equipment so there wouldn't be any clashes, as there are many other students filming at this time. However we had to reschedule because our case members were unable to make it.
9th march
Today was the day that we were finally able to film. A few problems occurred as we were about to start filming like a missing cast member, and a change in our location however as a group we were able to come up with a solution and we went on to film. When we filmed the car park scene it was a bit difficult due to the weather being really cold and windy, however we were able to get it done.
problems occurred?
Change of plans-initially our director had found a cast member (Sheena) to play the role of Natalie the innocent antagonist, as we felt that she was suited to play the part. However due to other commitments Sheena was unable to make on the the day that we were due to film, so we were in a bit of a pickle about where we were going to find our second cast member at such short notice. At last we came up with a solution Georgia, our director was going to play the part that Sheena was supposed to play as she also fitted the description of a typical white female college student . We also had to change the location of our film from H to B block as the lighting in H block was more limited than the light in B block. We needed more lighting in order to film the scene that took place inside the college building. The change in the location and cast also means that we have to make alterations on our blog as we have already posted up some pictures of the old location. Adding to that we also had to change our 90 minute synopsis as we decided to change our story line.
Overall turn out
The overall turn out of our filming was good despite the problems that had occurred at the last minute. We worked well as a group and we were able to rectify any issues. Even though we had different roles(as group members) we were able to help each other out .
Posted by Dreygeorgemic at 07:27 0 comments
Labels: Audrey Khanye
Production Schedule (Audrey Khanye)
Posted by Dreygeorgemic at 05:17 0 comments
Labels: Audrey Khanye
Sunday, 7 March 2010
Meeting Minutes ( Elizabeth Mensah-Tandoh )
Today in class we had a group discussion about our filming date.We spoke about all the equipment that will be needed when filming.And how we plan to use our time appropriately when so we can film to the best of our ability. We have planned to film on Tuesday the 10th of March at 5:00pm.However we will be meeting at 4:30pm which allows us to have enough time to finish the previous lesson we were in, meet up,get all the equipment ready and begin.We feel this was the best time to film as it is the beginning of the week and if any other adjustments are need to be made it can quickly be arranged.
Posted by Dreygeorgemic at 14:01 0 comments
Labels: Elizabeth Mensah
Friday, 5 March 2010
Score Music (Georgia Harris)
This is the software we will be using when choosing our score music that will be within our trailer. The type of music will be using will be a mixture of quiet music to start, which gradually goes higher in pitch to create tension and build suspense.
The music will be very typical of a thriller, enticing the audience and creating a scary atmosphere.
Posted by Dreygeorgemic at 04:50 0 comments
Labels: Georgia Harris
Monday, 1 March 2010
The Repalcement Script (Georgia Harris)
Posted by Dreygeorgemic at 06:30 0 comments
Labels: Georgia Harris