Saturday 6 February 2010

About The Preliminary Task ( Elizabeth Mensah-Tandoh)

The Preliminary task was the first piece of camera work that i did.When we was put into groups and assigned to do this task i felt it was important for me to take role as the camera person.The reason for this was because when my media group eventually begin to film our opening sequence to our film.I will be taking the role as the camerawomen.And was accentual for me to get some practice while i could.It allowed me to learn more about the camera,the different buttons there were,the various camera that would be available to us and how i could position the camera at different angles.These were just some of the things i needed to learn and get practice in before we filming.There are various things I learnt when you film.Patience being one of the most important.And this is what i found was virtual with the actors when they forgot there lines,as well as when when had to change angles when wanted to shot from.It was also very important for me memorize the angles and shots there were as the director or an individual in the group may have a different idea from what we had previously placed as.So two days before we filmed the preliminary task i had to revise all the angles and shots there were.However my preliminary group was very hardworking and dedicated want hen mistakes where made.We all insured to just do the best we could and continued filming till it was filmed correctly.

When it came to editing our preliminary task my group was all shown by our teacher the ways we could edit,how we could add score music and add different affects we could add to the filming.However i felt this was too challenging for me to do and felt that i was taking up to much time trying to get use to the editing software.So another member in my group that had previously done editing took charge of it. I sat beside her and gave her assistant of the different shots i had used while filmingand what ideas i thought would make the editing looking a lot more better.

Overall it made me have a lot more confidence when i came to using the camera.As the preliminary was the first piece of filming i have ever done i found it extremely exciting and bits of it challenging.However i feel there is a lot more i could learn about the cameras which i am hoping to learn in the next following weeks.