Monday 18 January 2010

90 Minute Synopsis (Audrey Khanye & Georgia Harris)

Beginning: The scene starts of with a man and woman coming out of the hospital with their newly born baby. We see them a few months later playing with their newly born baby all happy and joyful. There are scenes of them taking the baby to the park and their friends coming round to visit the baby.

Middle: They are then coming back from a friend’s house, it is raining and dark and they cannot really see the roads clearly. Then they see an oncoming motorbike to late, causing the man to steer wildly out of control and crash into a tree. The man drags his unconscious wife out of the car, and as soon as she comes to she runs back to the wreckage to pull out the child only to see a limp lifeless body.
The woman cradles the dead child in her arms rocking backwards and forwards screaming and crying. The scene then changes to the couple burying their child crying and then leaving in a car.

18 years later and the couple still have not got over the death of their child and they have still kept their baby’s room the same. The still have birthday parties for the daughter and all they need now is their daughter.
Whilst they were out shopping they spot a girl that resembled their daughter when she was young except she is 18. They then conspire to kidnap the teenager and raise her as their own, so the woman enrols into the girl’s college in a wheelchair. A few days later she sees that the girl has stayed behind late to finish of school work n uses this opportunity to kidnap the girl. She drops her books in front of the girl on purpose whilst in the wheelchair knowing that would get sympathy from the young girl.

End: The girl helps the woman pick up her books and the woman asks her to help her to her husband’s car, and the girl agrees. They are then walking through this deserted car park to the only car in the middle of the car park. The woman then asks the girl to put the books in the back of the boot of the car. Then we see the woman get up out of the wheelchair and push the girl in the boot and close it. The couple then drive into their garage and take her out gag her and tie her up, they then carry her into the baby’s room and place her by the cot. We then see the girl crying and the woman bringing her baby food and starts force feeding her the food, she then places a kiss on her head and leaves and the girl is still crying.

A few years later the girls has been declared dead as no one has found her, whilst the couple are celebrating her 2ND birthday (which is really her 20Th). The couple then go out to go and look for a birthday cake at the supermarket when they are found at the till by the godfather of their dead daughter and they are catching up, smiling and laughing till he realised the birthday cake for a two year old. The man then asks if they had another baby and the woman say yes and the man says no and they look at each other and then they then swap lines and look at each other again, then the woman then says ‘’its for our adopted daughter’’ and the man say ‘’no its for our niece’’ and they look worryingly at each other and tell him they have to go. The godfather thinks something is up as the couple run towards their car and drive off.
They then arrive back home and continue with their festivities, when the godfather parks around the corner walks to the window sneakily and sees a tied up girl and calls the police. He then throws a brick through their car window of the couple and as they run out to see their car he sneaks in to try and rescue the girl and releases her cuffs turns around to see the couple blocking the exit and the woman holding a knife. The couple then explain the plan they hatched and talk about their grief and how their hole has been filled by taking the girl.
The man then lunges at the godfather and they are seen wrestling for a bit then we see the woman stab down.
But she then realises she accidentally stabbed her husband and we hear police sirens and the woman being handcuffed and taken away and the girl being returned to her family and the man receiving an honour award.