Wednesday 20 January 2010

Weekly Updates Week 1-2 (Georgia Harris)

Over the last week, we as a group have been doing individual tasks, as well as group task. For example we have completed our Genre research, 2 minute synopsis of the trailer, 90 minute synopsis and the brainstorm will be completed by next lesson.
During the night class, we have always filmed our Preliminary task and have just got to edit it before posting it onto our YouTube channel and onto our blog.
Through filming our Preliminary task we have learnt the names of the equipment we will be using, where to find them and how to use them correctly. It has also helped in learning how to position characters in order to make the shots clear to the audience.
Over the next week or 2, we will have done our brainstorm of our idea, preliminary posted on our blog, target audience research and our individual textual analysis.

we have alsp begun to think about different story lines we will use for our prouduction work.We have got together as a group and started to think about the various story lines we could use.Aswell as our target audience we will be targetting.